Matted Fine Art Prints

Our beautiful matted prints come from high quality scans of Welzie's original artworks. Our quality inks and paper help create vibrant pieces that are perfect for decorating your home. Standard sizes will fit any 8x10 and 11x14 frames. All prints are made here on Maui.

Welzie goat art maui

11” x 14” “Surf Goat” Matted Print in Frame

Fine Art Paper

Our Fine art paper is acid free and the brightest white resulting in long lasting vibrant reproductions. We print right here so you know it will be made on Maui.

Standardized Sizes

We use standardized sizes on all our matted prints allowing your new Welzie Art to fit perfectly in the frame of your choosing. Our prints come in 8" x 10" and 11" x 14" sizes.